Saturday, November 20, 2010

Jessica Rabbit preview

Just trying to figure out the rest of the background, but the figure is pretty much done.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Jessica Rabbit prelim inks

Some inks for a Jessica Rabbit battle at the battle artists group on Deviantart. Check my page in about a week for full color.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Heroine week at DSC

Apparently this week was awesome comic babe week for the Daily Sketch Challenge group I'm a part of on deviantart here. Here are the pieces I did. I was really excited for each of these, but I only really got what I wanted on the final two, Wonder Woman and Promethea. I'm going to switch back to digital for next weeks pieces I think, simply because I've had a craving to do more work with the Wacom. Enjoy!